Don’t get numb to gun violence, even as more people are shot in Philly each week | Opinion Ruth Abaya & Jennifer R. Clarke | The Philadelphia InquirerJune 29, 2021 Pennsylvania Safety Alliance Condemns Use Of NRA Backed Violence Prevention Programs, Urges Use Of Evidence-based Solutions Press ReleaseApril 15th, 2021 As gun violence surges across the Commonwealth, majority of Pennsylvanians support permit to purchase Press Release March 15, 2021 Permit to Purchase Interview with Dr. Ruth Abaya Amadee Braxton | Solutions WURDMarch 5, 2021 (18min 18 sec) City leaders call for action against gun violence following shooting near SEPTA station Hank Flynn | Fox 29 PhiladelphiaFebruary 26, 2021 Local leaders call for end to state ban on local gun regulations Michael D’Onofrio | The Philadelphia TribuneFebruary 26, 2021 ‘We are losing the village’: Philadelphia officials blame GOP legislature for inaction on gun violence - Kenny Cooper | WHYYFebruary 26, 2021 ‘How Did We Not Know?’ Gun Owners Confront a Suicide Epidemic —Roni Caryn Rabin | The New York TimesNovember 17, 2020 With Violence Rising, Philadelphia Is Fighting a State Ban on Local Gun Laws — Brian Freskos | The TraceNovember 11, 2020 Just like COVID-19, gun violence in Philly is preventable | Editorial — The Inquirer Editorial BoardOctober 9, 2020 Philadelphia files court challenge of ban on local gun laws — Claudia Lauer | AP for The Washington PostOctober 7, 2020 Philly Residents Sue Pa. Legislature for Right to Enact Local Gun Laws — Brian X. McCrone | NBC10October 7, 2020 Philadelphia officials announce legal action against Pennsylvania over gun laws — Fox 29October 7, 2020 Philadelphia sues Pennsylvania over inability to enact city-specific gun laws — Chris Palmer | The InquirerOctober 7, 2020 Philly is suing Pennsylvania so the city can enact stronger gun control laws — Layla A. Jones and Aaron Moselle | Billy PennOctober 7, 2020 As Philly’s violent summer continues, Pa. lawmakers could help by passing stricter gun laws | Opinion — Ruth Abaya | The InquirerAugust 27, 2020 Gun Violence in Phila.: Solutions to Public Health and Civil Rights Crisis —Jennifer R. Clarke August 13, 2020 PA safety alliance launches to improve gun safety and save lives — Ken Balson | ABC27.comJuly 31, 2020 ‘Let’s make this happen’: Gun reform advocates gather at the Pa. Capitol to call for change — Jordan Wolman | Special to PennLiveJuly 29, 2020 Gun violence must still be a priority for Pa. and Philadelphia | Editorial — The Inquirer Editorial BoardJuly 12, 2020